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Nano Fat Grafting is a solution to fine lines and wrinkles that uses the existing fat in a patient's body to fill in areas that appear loose. While the procedure is typically done on the face to give the patient a younger appearance, it can also be done on other parts of the body and is commonly done on the neck and the hands to reduce clear signs of aging such as wrinkles or loose skin.
Nano Fat Grafting can treat a number of skin concerns on the face. The primary uses for the procedure are to rejuvenate the face by reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and tightening loose skin. Additionally, Nano Fat Grafting can be done to minimize the appearance of scars. Some patients report reduced discoloration in the skin following the procedure as well. People can also use Nano Fat Grafting on their hands to fill in loose skin and make them appear younger.
The process is similar to the process of a Brazilian Butt Lift, but with less fat required to achieve the best results. Common areas of the body for fat to be harvested from are the thighs, abdomen and hips, however fat can also be harvested from other areas of the body if there is enough excess fat. The fat is reinjected into the face using a small cannula that can directly target specific areas of concern, such as fine lines and wrinkles. The procedure can also target scar tissue.
Nano Fat Grafting is very safe. Because the materials being injected into the face already come from your body, there is less likelihood of your body rejecting the injection or having a negative reaction. Because of this, Nano Fat Grafting can be a solution for people who are allergic to dermal fillers.
The fat comes from the body of the patient in areas where they have excess fat.
Yes. Many people use nano fat grafting to rejuvenate the appearance of their hands.
Because nano fat grafting requires only a small amount of fat to be harvested, patients do not need to have a lot of excess fat on their bodies for the procedure, unlike a Brazilian Butt Lift. Even patients without very much body fat are typically able to have the procedure done.
A good candidate for nano fat grafting is typically a non-smoker who is in good health and has realistic expectations for their procedure.
The results of this procedure last for years. Most patients may need multiple treatments to receive their desired results, as some of the fat may not take to its new location upon the first treatment. Most patients will need to come back in for maintenance treatments every three to four years to keep up with their new look.
Patients will go home the day of their treatment, but it is typically advised that they take two to three days off of work to rest at home post-procedure. After those days it is fine to return to work and regular daily activities, although bruising and swelling may persist for a few more days.
Like all surgical procedures, there are risks associated with nano fat grafting. Following the aftercare advice from your surgeon and going to a reputable facility will lower your chances of infection and ensure you get your desired results.
Yes, the patient is given local anesthesia in the area where the fat is harvested and in the area where it is injected. The patient will be numb in the injection and removal areas but awake during the procedure.
Because the cannulas used in the procedure are very tiny, there is no visible scarring that comes from this procedure.
$149.00 $745.00
$499.00 $650.00
$449.00 $650.00
$600.00 $800.00